Saturday, February 1, 2020

Can we say Anxiety is in your Imagination?

Have you heard SOMEONE Say “Anxiety is in your mind”, just in your imagination situation? 

While it is true Anxiety does affect your mind and thoughts it also affects your body and your health.  Anxiety is a REAL affliction that causes damage to your Mind, Body, Personality, and Friendships.   Your body changes, the feeling of being anxious or fearful which can come with the symptoms of heart beating faster, sweaty hands, nervous stomach, and cold feet. Anxiety disorders are also mental illness, it changes how you think, and you might start questioning your value, your strengths, and your ability to concur challenges.  Many people with Anxiety disorders try to hide it by skipping school, staying home from work, staying isolate, not associating with friends or going to meetings.

People with Anxiety feels may think their friends do not or could not know how they feel. But the truth is almost everybody faces anxiety feelings now and then. For instance, one may feel nervous  Severe anxiety is feelings that cause people to suffer from excessive worry and abnormal feelings of nervousness without particular causes, which cannot be alleviated through normal actions and they can be hindrances that block one to live a normal life.
when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision, some people even face it when they want to embark on a journey.

There are many kinds of Anxiety Illness and disorders: Panic Disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Social anxiety disorder, Specific phobias, Generalized anxiety disorder.  Each is different and can be controlled naturally in a different way.  So it is important to define which disorder you have.

Interesting statistics: It seems High-income countries have more people on average that has GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Check this out.

Percent of Population with GAD Disorder

Low-Income Countries

1.6% of the population

Medium Income Countries

2.8 % of the population

High-Income Countries

5.0% of the population

Specifically United States

18% = more than 40 million people in 2017 and growing

So the evidence is that Anxiety Disorders are mostly related to income and the economy. In the WHO's Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders Global Health Estimates report that was released in 2017, they compare prevalence estimates of mental disorders across global regions.  The above information was also reported by “Anxiety and Depression Association of America”.

You are not alone. I found that the American Psychiatric Association did a survey on 1,000 U.S. residents in 2017, and found that nearly 2/3’s were "extremely or somewhat anxious about health and safety for their families and more than a third are more anxious overall than last year."

Learning what you need to do to control your anxiety will boost your courage and makes you live a normal life. There are several remedies to use to fight anxiety and enhance the way of life and one of the best ways is by using the herbal remedy. 
Something to consider is whether Anxiety disorders are being induced by the water we drink, the plastic foods are stored in, the perfumes, makeup, hair products, soaps, shampoos and more.  There are many chemicals absorbed into our bodies every day.  Even the building materials in the homes we live in give off chemicals.
What about social media, constantly watching, videos (TV's, Phones, Tablets, Computers). We know the blue light effects of the ability to rest and sleep which in itself can be a partial cause of anxiety in our bodies. A person could try for one week to turn off their devices, go to bed on time, and get better rest, better diet, and more time to exercise (simply walking helps).  Here is an interesting statistic about Social Media plays a part in Anxiety produced by MedicalNewsToday,
People who used multiple numbers of social platforms or spent more than the average time using Social Media were found to have higher levels of depression and anxiety.

Herbal medicine or herbalism is the way of using a medical plant to provide medical treatments, and this has been in existence since time immemorial before tablets were introduced. Thus, the pharmaceutical also made use of the plant-derived compound to make drugs but some herbals base on treating illness with the use of pure plant without mixing it with any chemical and one of the illness they can conquer with the pure plant is anxiety.
Herbal remedies can give you a high percentage of satisfaction with no side effects.  There are also changes to your way of life and exercises that can help.  Combine Herbal treatments, physical changes and if necessary pharmaceutical will allow you to control your anxiety disorder and live a more relaxed way of life. Although there have been different tips on how to control anxiety which some of them are jogging and exercise, having a thought journal, Podcast distraction and more but all of this cannot cure anxiety effectively. Also, some natural herbs are made especially for people facing anxiety disorder as this will help them restore their courage, give you a sense of purpose.  
Although, a lot of people are scared to use an herbal remedy to cure anxiety because herbal supplements are not monitored by FDA which is why it is recommended that before considering herbal remedies for anxiety, first, consult your doctor especially if you are taken other medications.
So to conclude if you hear people say they believe that, “Anxiety is all on your mind, just shake it off” you must ignore them as uneducated.  You do need to teach them or educate them, you only need to know this is not something you can just control.  You must seek help with a change of the way you live, herbal health, and that does not work you need to reach out to professionals.  Anxiety disorder is serious and deadly.  According to NCBI Resources, the risk of higher death rate is more than 9.2% higher in people that have anxiety disorders. There is a direct correlation between mental health and death. So take it serious and do not listen to anyone that tells you your mental issues are all in your mind.
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